Nicole Farmer
Where did you grow up?
I’m originally from Parkin, Ark, but I “grew up” in Memphis, Tn.
Where did you go to school?
I attended school in Parkin, Ark., from pre-k-8th grade. I graduated from Treadwell High School in Memphis, Tn. I received my Political Science degree from the University of Tennessee-Martin.
Brag about your family.
I don’t think we have time for me to fully brag, but my family is awesome. My husband and I have 3 amazing daughters. We spend most of our time together creating stories at the dinner table, watching movies and of course playing classic video games. Super Mario is our favorite.
What do you do for fun?
When it comes to fun, I love being creative. I design t-shirts, make wreaths, write poetry and even though I am not the best artist, my girls and I paint a lot.
What was your first job?
My first job was an office assistant in the Science dept. at UTM. #workstudylife
What is your dream job?
Since kindergarten, I have wanted to be an attorney.
What is something very few people know about you?
Very few people know that I was accepted into both Cecil C Humphreys and UALR William H Bowen Schools of Law. Timing just never worked out.
What quote/motto do you live by?
“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I’M POSSIBLE!”
Tell us your Optus story. When did you start and what position? Have you moved positions/jobs?
It seems like I’ve always been here, but I began my Optus journey in February 2018 as a distribution clerk, with an emphasis in Shipping.
What is your official job title?
Distribution Clerk
What SHOULD your job title be?
Shipping Corrections Officer
Describe your day to day job.
My day to day at Optus includes several different hats. I help the salespeople determine shipping cost before items are shipped. I verify addresses, reroute packages, communicate with FedEx and package items before they even hit the shipping line.
What is one thing that Optus does better than any other employer you have had in the past?
Where do I begin? Optus does so many wonderful things compared to my previous job. The top 3 would have to be: valuing the employees, paid holidays (old job if it was a holiday we wanted to be paid for, we would have to put that time in) and weekends with my family.
Tell us about one learning or growth opportunity you have had while working at Optus.
I got an opportunity to learn a little bit of the receiving side when I was given the job of sorting through a large customer’s boxes of product. Doing this has helped me with my shipping job because I learned to identify phones and other parts here at Optus.
What do you like most about working at Optus?
The people and the atmosphere.
Have you received recognition from Optus on a job well done? If so, what was the recognition?
Yes!! Within my 2 quarters at Optus, I was awarded VIP for Operations. Recently I was co-winner of the COVID-19 poster contest and I receive thank you recognitions all the time.
We like to say, Optus is like a family. Who at Optus is like family to you and why?
Operations and Optus as a whole is like family in some way or another. I have a mother figure, (Tameka), a sister (Alex), two brothers (Tj/Mike) and my auntie Shanna. I can go to them to get a good laugh, vent and get advice. They don’t hold back or sugar coat anything and that’s just how I prefer it.