Where did you grow up?
I grew up in Jonesboro AR for the most part; however, we moved around a lot, so I’ve lived in several different towns/states.
Where did you go to school?
Although I attended Nettleton and Westside both for a year each, I graduated from Jonesboro High.
Brag about your family.
We have 4 girls and 3 boys along with 11 grandchildren that consist of 6 girls and 5 boys. Our kids and grandkids are our world. We are so proud of each one of them and love spending as much time as possible with them all.
What do you do for fun?
Play with my grandkids of course lol. We love going to ball games every chance we get.
What was your first job?
My first real job was working as a cashier at Hays Warehouse.
What is your dream job?
I do not know that I have a dream job. When my children were younger, I was a stay-at-home mom. I would have to say that was the best job I have ever had.
What is something very few people know about you?
I am very transparent so there is not much about me that everyone does not already know. I lived on the island of Maui for a year. I have a poem published in 2 different books called God’s Plan. I’ll share it with you.
I was once told that as time goes by everything changes with no reason why.
Explanations we won’t receive, we’re just told we must believe.
The Lord has a plan for each of us. This I believe – This I trust.
Doctor – lawyer – teacher – wife, Lord what’s your plan for my life?
Explanations I don’t expect, just some guidance down the right track.
Show me Lord your plan for me. I ask this of you while on my knees.
Praying to you helps me to see, the wonderful plan you have for me.
The Lord has a plan for each of us. This I believe – This I trust.
What quote/motto do you live by?
People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel. -Maya Angelou
Tell us your Optus story. When did you start and what position? Have you moved positions/jobs?
I started in May of 2012 in purchasing. My main objective at the time was to buy used phone systems and equipment for resale. In Feb 2014, I moved to the service department. I worked on the service delivery team known as SAT back then. In April 2015, I was promoted to SAT Supervisor. In May 2017, I transferred to the accounting department where I still reside.
What is your official job title?
Invoicing Coordinator
What SHOULD your job title be?
Anything invoicing with a little SST tax and a bit of reporting thrown in.
Describe your day-to-day job.
Day to day consists of invoicing service cases and processing vendor invoices for payment on those cases. This along with anything else that pops up that I can assist with.
What is one thing that Optus does better than any other employer you have had in the past?
The family atmosphere. The group of ladies I work with in accounting are truly more than co-workers to me. They are family! The open-door policy regardless of title. I can pop my head in and ask a question to our COO just like I can my co-workers.
Tell us about one learning or growth opportunity you have had while working at Optus.
I have had many learning opportunities since I began working at Optus. Before Optus, I thought a phone was just something you pick up and dial. Little did I know about the components that go into making that phone work. I have learned a bit of excel as well after moving to accounting. Although I am still learning about excel, I can now create reports and dig into the data to report back to my boss with the trends I see.
What do you like most about working at Optus?
My team! I also like making a difference for our customers and our vendors. I feel I have done that since moving to accounting.
Have you received recognition from Optus on a job well done? If so, what was the recognition?
I received the Leader Star award for 3rd quarter of 2015. I received the Star award for the 1st quarter of 2018 and then again in the 4th quarter of 2020.
We like to say, Optus is like a family. Who at Optus is like family to you and why?
I would have to say my team. These girls have been there to cheer me on and support me no matter what.